ExamBuilder sign up

By completing this form you're signifying your interest in direct updates about ExamBuilder and/or contact for testing ExamBuilder.

If your centre already has an ExamBuilder account, another ExamBuilder user can set up your account immediately by going to 'User Management' at the top of the screen from any page in ExamBuilder.

Interchange accounts are only available to staff at OCR schools . PLEASE NOTE: Interchange usernames don't include spaces or special characters ALSO its not your email address.

If you don't have a username please contact your Exams Officer.

Please register using your centre's email address.

If you've previously registered for ExamBuilder, you won't be able to register again and will need to contact us.

If you've forgotten your password, choose 'Set or reset my password'. If you've not received the activation link, please choose 'Resend activation link'.
This will be your 5-digit centre number.